Yakima Neighborhood Forum Set For Wednesday
Another neighborhood forum will be held on Wednesday, November 15th beginning at 6:00 pm at the Henry Beauchamp Community Center (1211 S. 7th Street) in the MLK, Jr. Room. Just like Coffee With A Cop it's a chance for you to share your concerns about public safety issues and provide input about potential solutions.
The forum has been organized by the Yakima City Council and several people who live in the neighborhood in which the Henry Beauchamp Community Center is located.
“So far this year there have been three public safety neighborhood forums put on by the City Council,” said Gutiérrez. “The City Council is making an extra effort to give neighbors an opportunity to share their concerns with one another and band together to make it clear that they won’t tolerate violence and crime in their neighborhoods,” said Gutiérrez.
The November 15th forum will be presented primarily in Spanish. Translation for non-Spanish-speaking attendees will be available.
The City Council announced plans earlier this year for several neighborhood forums to be held throughout Yakima in order to gather feedback from community members as part of developing a long-term strategy addressing public safety issues. Additional forums are currently being planned.
For more information about the November 15th neighborhood forum at the Henry Beauchamp Community Center in the MLK, Jr. Room, contact Yakima City Councilmember Dulce Gutiérrez (District #1) at 823-7021.