Yakima City Council Will Look Different In 2018
The Yakima City Council will see a big change in 2018. Three new council members will be seated after Tuesday's primary election eliminated an incumbent in District 2. Avina Gutierrez didn't get enough votes to advance to the general election. But her challengers did move ahead. Pablo Gonzalez and Jason White gained the top votes on Tuesday to advance to the November general election. In the District 4 race for city council Keith Effler and Kay Funk are the top vote winners and Brad Hill and Micaela Razo are the leading vote winners in District 6. More ballots are expected to be counted Today and over coming days. The 2017 primary election will be certified on August 15.
If you live in the city of Selah and were hoping for a new aquatic center. It's been delayed. 56 percent of voters in Selah supported the levy but it needed a super majority 60 percent for passage. The M&O levy would have funded a new aquatic center. It was a one year $300,000 levy to allow the center to open and replace the current pool. But now that plan has been put on hold.