Yakima Car Prowls Are A Problem – Here’s What You Can Do
Property crimes continue to be a problem in Yakima and that includes car prowls and break-ins. City Hall has sent out a head's up news release with some common sense advice on how to avoid becoming a victim. YPD Lieutenant Shawn Boyle says “Car owners can reduce the chances of their car being broken into by making it less of a target.”
1.) Making sure your car is locked when it is parked
2.) Not leaving valuable items in your car in plain view
3.) Avoiding parking in isolated and/or poorly lit areas
“People can also help by reporting any suspicious activity around cars parked in their neighborhood, workplace, or anywhere they might be,” said Boyle.
If people see suspicious activity near cars, they are encouraged to call 9-1-1. Information about car prowls can also be shared by calling the YPD at (509) 575-6200. Tips can be also be reported to Yakima County Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-248-9980, on the organization’s website at crimestoppersyakco.org, or through the “P3 Tips” app that can be downloaded for free at p3intel.com/
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