The weather forecast calls for triple digits again by the weekend.  Sounds like another great excuse to enjoy ice cream, but chances are you won’t have to wait that long in line to get your cup or cone. Not if past trends continue.

Food and drink analysts are saying that global ice cream sales have taken a dip.  Stats show the flavorful icy goodness down from about 4.12 billion gallons in 2015 to 3.43 billion gallons last year.  The reason?  Total calorie consciousness. Alex Beckett, an analyst with Mintel, explains, "More people are aware of the sugar content of food they are eating now. They are going into the ice cream chiller with their diet in mind."

Now what kinda fun is that?

In addition, when people actually do purchase ice cream, they're buying gelatos or Magnums.

So who eats the most cold treats?  Those who can relate to the cold!  The report revealed Norwegians are the world's biggest ice cream eaters, consuming just over two and a half gallons per person last year. (Daily Mail)

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