Lots Of Fall Activities Offered By City Of Yakima
Looking for something to do this fall? There are plenty of opportunities for recreational programs this fall being offered by Yakima Parks and Recreation.
Registration is underway this week for a host of activities, leagues and tournaments. They include:
Fall Coed Volleyball League for ages 16 and older.
Fall Volley Nights to get tuned up for the Fall league.
Two golf tournaments – a Three Club Tournament on Saturday, September 10th and an 18-hole Best Ball Twosome on Saturday, October 7th.
Fall Golf Lessons for senior citizens and children ages 4-16.
Yoga and seated Tai Chi courses at the Harman Center.
Children’s gymnastic courses.
And check out yakimaparks.com for information about other Yakima Parks and Recreation activities, such as the 38th Annual Great Pumpkin co-ed softball tournament on October 14th and 15th.
Information about City recreation programs is also available by calling 575-6020.