. If you have a lot of vandalism in your area or just an occasional problem the city of Yakima wants you to be involved in the second Community Action Day coming up Thursday, October 14.
Yakima School District employees will gather at the Yakima Convention Center from 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. to kick off the 2012-13 school year. The event will be preceded by a continental breakfast and benefits fair at 6:45 a.m. The national anthem will be performed by four district music teachers – Shannon Ruiz (Davis), Lisa Rogers (Franklin), Laurel Cawley (Eisenhower) and Steve Churchwell (Disc
YAKIMA, WA – Central Washington Family Medicine Residency Program, a service of Community Health of Central Washington (CHCW), will be offering FREE sport physicals to 60-90 children at Washington Middle School on Wednesday, August 29th, from 3pm-5pm...