Spring is here which means everyone around the Yakima Valley, we wanna help you get thru it with five tips guaranteed to help make cleaning your place a lot easier.
Springtime is here and in full swing, with covid regulations lifted it's time to get back out in the world and experience it like never before, so here are some fun things to do this spring around Washington!
I saw a TikTok last week that said you can communicate with your cat when you are ready to listen. Make eye contact and do a slow blink (this connects with them and is basically saying I love you) then ask them what they need or want.
We just had a weekend with high temperatures in the 80s. A few weeks ago, the irrigation water in the Yakima Valley began to flow, sprinkler systems were checked out and put into service, and we adopted the full head of steam into spring.
Now, weather forecasters are sounding the alarm for a potentially costly battle with freezing temperatures, threatening crops, plants, flowers, sprinkler systems