The House co-sponsors introduced the USPS Shipping Equity Act, a bipartisan bill that would end the Prohibition-era ban preventing the Postal Service from shipping adult beverages.
The National Wheat Foundation Board have approved three new projects, selected after strategic planning meetings with industry stakeholders of the wheat industry.
2020 begins with a promising outlook for California's snowpack. The amount of water contained in the snowpack was over 9 inches, or 90% of the January 2nd average.
Stream flows in the North Puget Sound region are forecast to be 79-82% of normal from April to September, when much of the state relies on snowmelt to supply streams with water for drinking, farm irrigation and fish habitat.
Chris Lynch, a Hydrologist with the Bureau of Reclamation says the most recent reading has found. "We're at a 100 percent at both the Yakima upper basin and lower basin snowtell sites."
LEAVENWORTH (AP) — The Chelan County Sheriff's Office says a 19-year-old Mercer Island man is likely dead after vanishing into the snow beneath the summit of Aasgard Pass.
Sheriff Brian Burnett says the teen was glissading, or sliding, down the pass Sunday afternoon when he disappeared into a hole that runs deep beneath the snowpack...
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — The mountain snowpack remains pretty good in Washington state, raising hopes that the state will not have a repeat of the drought and major wildfires of last year. The February 1 report showed that winter snowpack across the state is 109 percent of normal. The...
The Food and Drug Administration has extended the comment period for a proposal that would address the use of the term “natural” on food labels. The agency is now taking comments until May 10th of 2016. When FDA proposed the rule in November, it was asking for comment on whether it’s appropriate to define the term “natural;” if the agency should define the term; and how the agency should determine