LIVE! with Kelly and Michael is featuring a cute kid contest on their website featuring the cutest kids in America. One of the kids is from Sunnyside, WA! Let's see if we can't pool our votes together and get him to win this thing.
Most parents know about the importance of car seats for infants and toddlers, but booster seats for older kids are often required by law, too — yet a new survey finds lots of carpooling moms and dads use them inconsistently at best.
What does the Grinch do when it isn’t the Christmas season? He apparently hits the links.
A county inspector has fined the parents of children selling lemonade near the US Open at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland $500 because they didn’t have a permit.
Move over, Chris Christie: There's a new Governor in town -- and he's only 4 years old.
Yep, just a few days after a YouTube video went viral, in which little Jesse Koczon was filmed crying because he was "too small" to be Governor of New Jersey, Christie signed a proclamation yesterday declaring Koczon an honorary governor.
Even better: the Koczon family reportedly received a special t