U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement working group is getting closer to an agreement,on issues relating to the environment, enforcement, access to medicines and labor.
Aimpoint Research CEO Brett Sciotto says current trends point to 100,000 “production” farmers, a quarter or less of the current number of mid-and-large-size farms.
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Opposition to the four-state Dakota Access oil pipeline has boosted efforts to persuade banks to stop supporting projects that might harm the environment or tread on indigenous rights.
But calling the divest movement a success might be a stretch...
SEATTLE (AP) — State officials, environmental advocates and others are warning of dire environmental and economic consequences if President Donald Trump's cuts to Puget Sound and other environmental programs go through as proposed.
The Environmental Protection Agency's funding for Puget Sound — about $28 million last year — would be gutted under Trump's budget blueprint released Thursday...
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**Federal agencies that regulate biotechnology may NOT have the staffing and expertise to handle the plethora of new products expected over the next five to 10 years.
According to a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the EPA, FDA, USDA will need to be prepared for this potential increase, including finding effective means of evaluation that maintains pub
President Donald Trump is soon expected to begin signing a growing stack of fast-tracked legislation aimed at eliminating many Obama administration rules and regulations.
Trump’s commitment to slashing federal regulations, particularly those dealing with energy and the environment, is well established...
The president of an advocacy group lobbying to end the embargo on Cuba says he’s optimistic about working with the Trump administration.
James Williams with Engage Cuba says the President-elect was elected by Rural Americans, many of whom have strong ties to the agricultural community...
On Tuesday, President Obama announced a plan to safeguard America’s land, water and wildlife by establishing a “no net loss” standard for mitigating impacts on natural resources and encouraging related private investment to deliver better outcomes for the environment...
USDA is seeking public comment on how it intends to improve the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, or EQIP, one of USDA's largest conservation programs.