**The House Appropriations Committee’s agriculture and energy subcommittees approved bills that reject most of the cuts sought by President Trump.
The bill approved by the panel’s ag subcommittee would still cut discretionary spending at USDA, the Food and Drug Administration and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission by $876 million from fiscal 2017 levels...
**A Senate energy bill that failed to make it through the last Congress will be the starting point for talks in this Congress
That’s according to top Senate staffers on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
Speaking at the Energy & Environmental Symposium, ENR learership sounded optimistic about the chances for agreement.
President Donald Trump is soon expected to begin signing a growing stack of fast-tracked legislation aimed at eliminating many Obama administration rules and regulations.
Trump’s commitment to slashing federal regulations, particularly those dealing with energy and the environment, is well established...
The House Appropriations Agriculture Subcommittee approved an amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill banning imports of Brazilian and Argentine Beef. The ban would be in place, under the amendment, until the U.S. Department of Agriculture evaluates the potential risk of foot and mouth disease to the U...