NASHVILLE (AP) — Reba McEntire's marriage is falling apart. She and her husband, Narvel Blackstock, have announced they are separating after 26 years of marriage. They say in a joint statement they have been separated for the past several months...
The marriage vows often include the line "for richer or poorer, for better or worse". It seems that even when it's so bad that a divorce is inevitable, the "poorer" part kicks in and keeps people least according to
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, journalist Maria Shriver, announced their separation Monday evening in a press statement. The statement makes no mention of divorce, but does confirm that the two are no longer living under the same roof:
Facebook a top cause of relationship trouble, say US lawyers
When Facebook gets involved, relationships can quickly fall apart – as Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi have discovered. But dictatorships are not the only ties being dissolved by social networking sites: now Facebook is increasingly being blamed for undermining American marriages.