
Honeybee Numbers Deceptive; Corn Yield and Acreage
Honeybee Numbers Deceptive; Corn Yield and Acreage
Honeybee Numbers Deceptive; Corn Yield and Acreage
**A new report by USDA says while honeybee populations increased slightly from last year, it’s not a true reflection of colony stresses beekeepers are overcoming. USDA statistician Joshua O’Rear says while honeybee colonies increased three percent in April over last year, fluctuations throughout the year are trending negative...
U.S. Honey Bee Numbers Up; Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance
U.S. Honey Bee Numbers Up; Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance
U.S. Honey Bee Numbers Up; Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance
**EPA will extend the deadline to meet requirements of its new farmworker protection standard until guidance and training materials are ready to help states implement the changes. The EPA’s Wendy Cleland-Hamnett did not specify a new deadline for compliance, but NASDA and other farm groups have repeatedly asked for an extension until at least Jan...
Landmark Senate Aggreement On GMO; Beekeepers Getting Conservation Help
Landmark Senate Aggreement On GMO; Beekeepers Getting Conservation Help
Landmark Senate Aggreement On GMO; Beekeepers Getting Conservation Help
A landmark Senate agreement on national disclosure standards for GMO foods would allow companies to disclose GMO ingredients through digital codes rather than on-package language or symbols. The Colorado Corn Growers Association, National corn growers and many others applauded Senate Ag Chairman Pat Roberts ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow of Michigan for their agreement that will address the grow

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