Summer Plans Set! Yakima Theatre’s Free Movies!
The biggest negative thing about summer is how it’s TOO HOT OUT SIDE! So, why not, NOT go outside. Kick back, grab some popcorn, a nice cold drink, and zone out with a good movie. Sure you can do that at home, but the popcorn is not as good, and the screen is FAR TOO SMALL! Thankfully we have another option for entertainment to help beat the heat! Free Summer Movies!
Free Summer Movies is presented by Yakima Neighborhood Health and will be happening at the Majestic Movie Theatre, located at 1919 S 14th St in Union Gap will be taking place on Wednesdays and Thursdays from June 21st all the way to August 17th! That’s a good chuck of your summer already planned out!
This is a great way to help out with the kids who are out of school, but parents, please keep your child supervised! Show times will start at 10am, and there will be a wide variety of family friendly films scheduled.
“Summer FUN is about to begin with FREE movies ALL SUMMER long presented by Yakima Neighborhood Health Services only at The Majestic!”
– Yakima Theatres Facebook Page
For more details, you can check out YakimaTheatres.com! The line-up of films and times have not been finalized as of the time of this writing, but as the old saying goes… “If it’s free? It’s me!”
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