My First Experience With Door Dash In Yakima, What Would You do?
Mobile delivery services like Door Dash and Uber Eats can be great.
It helps people make some extra money, and helps others get stuff when they can't.
But this article is about a certain person in West Valley.
Last Saturday around 11:45 at night, my wife and I get a text from her friends about Door Dash being dropped off at their house.
They was out of town, no one was home, but saw the delivery on their security cameras.
They were worried someone would drive by and see the food outside the house, and attempt to break in.
Well, like a good friend, my wife volunteered me to head out to deal with the abandoned door dash food (she came along for the ride).
"My first experience with door dash, and I have to freakin' drive to get my food!" - Me
Laughter was all that my wife could add to the conversation. We got to the friend's house, and this was what we saw.
What To Do With The Door Dash Abandoned Food?
Before we actually got up to the porch we drove around the block to see if it looked like anyone else on the surrounding streets were still up.
By this time, it was around 12:30 am, and the food had sat out in 20 degree weather for around an hour. The drinks would taste good, but that would be about it.
What would you have done with the food? Take the poll below or use our station app and let us know. (Keep scrolling to find out what we did with the food).
What Happened To The Abandoned Door Dash Food?
My wife and I thought about taking it home and eating it, but like I stated above, it had been sitting out for a while.
We thought about sitting it on TOP of the garbage can, in case the original door dasher came looking for it, but we figured after all this time, no one was coming for it, and we were worried animals would get into it and make a mess out of the yard.
Without other options, we threw the food away. Did we do the right thing?
How has your experience been with delivery services? Do you recommend them or does this type of Taco Bell fiasco happen too often? Tap the App and let us know!

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