Yakima Remembers a Day Few Will Ever Forget
Today marks the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and many in the Yakima Valley remember the day -- including many firefighters like Yakima Fire Department Capt. Jeff Pfaff.
He says it's a day he'll never forget. Pfaff says immediately after the attacks, local firefighters took action to show support. "We went and got some flags from the public works department and started putting them up in downtown just to show how strong we were in our community."
Pfaff says the attacks changed many things, including the way firefighters do their jobs. He says communications have been improved between police and fire agencies, tactical changes in the ways they fight fires and they've seen major improvements in equipment like breathing systems that protect them from hazardous and deadly chemicals and radiation.
To mark the anniversary in Yakima an interfaith service will be held at the Millennium Plaza beginning at 4 p.m. today (Sunday). You'll hear from different speakers and a moment of silence for the victims will be held.
Pfaff says they'll also hold a moment of silence at the fire department and they'll be speaking with young members of the department about that tragic day.
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