I have to admit I was never a big fan of Adam Carolla.  His brand of humor was a little too sophomoric for me.  He's the frat guy that never grew up with the body parts and bodily function humor, insult and humiliation jokes -- just aren't funny -- to me.  But that doesn't mean we have nothing in common.

The Patriot Post is running a article and video by Carolla targeted at today's college grads.  His premise -for Prager University - is that "if you're idealistic and you want to make the world a better place -- don't goof up what's already good."

Adam Corolla writes about the excuses he's tired of hearing. “I did my best. My assistant told me this once after screwing up royally. And I said, “Matt, if you did your best and you screwed up royally, then I need to fire you right now. The answer is either, ‘I didn’t do my best, I’ll do better next time’ or, ‘I’m drunk right now and need to sit down.’ So the phrase I’ve drilled into my employees is, ‘Don’t do your best; do my best.’”

And it builds from there!  Some solid conservative advice for the next wave of young workers.  We'll share the entire piece in Carolla's own words tomorrow at 6:45 on the Morning News.  See you then!

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