In a new poll, Grinnell College presented respondents with a list of potential traits while asking the question - What is it that makes someone a real American?

The Patriot Post posted the results and 90 percent say the trait most important to being a real American is -- believing in treating people equally.

Top traits -

Treating people equally......................................... 90 percent

Taking personal responsibility for one's actions.....88 percent

Accepting people of different racial backgrounds...81 percent

Supporting the Constitution....................................80 percent


Least important traits

Being a Christian.....................................................55 % saying it wasn't important,

Having been born in America................................. 49 % saying it wasn't important,

Lived in America most of one's life........................ 45  % saying it wasn't important,

CNN reports that as you might expect, there were some partisan differences with the most significant being on the subject of speaking English.  Sixty-two percent of Republicans thought English was important in defining a real American while 29 percent of Democrats did not.

We plan to talk about this Wednesday morning on the Morning News, we hope you'll join us and share your thoughts.

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