Want to lose weight and get fit but don’t fancy the idea of joining a gym? With all due respect to the many great gyms out there, a new study says you may not have to. The London School of Economics study showed that brisk walking is better for keeping weight off than going to the gym.

It almost seems too good to be true. There’s no costly memberships, no special equipment and the door to the outdoors is always open. Researchers found that people who walked a lot had lower BMIs (Body Mass Index) and smaller waists than those who took part in regular sport.

A specialist in health economics who led the research compared people who said they regularly did half an hour of past paced walking to those who did the same amount of heavy housework, manual labor and serious sports like rugby. The results showed that men and women who regularly took brisk walks for more than 30 minutes had lower BMIs and smaller waistlines than those who partook in regular exercise. (DailyMail)


I’m in a pre-diabetic program through Memorial Hospital and the two key components so far are - minimizing fat intact and get walking. You can hear more about the program Thursday morning at 8:50 on The Morning News on KIT.

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