Hey Fellas, if you want to burn some extra calories you don't have to go to the gym-- you could just help out the little lady and clean the house. She’ll love you for it and you’ll experience the burn of a reasonable workout.

MuscleFood.com looked at household chores and figured out what calorie-burning exercise each chore would equate to.

For example doing laundry for an hour equates to doing 100 sit-ups. Planning on 40 push-ups? How about cleaning windows? Dusting furniture is said to be as good as two minutes of planking, while mowing the lawn for an hour was found to equate to a 20-minute high intensity interval training workout (HIIT).

The data shows that if you want to work on your biceps you should scrub your tub, and if you're looking to tighten up your tummy you should iron, as it strengthens the core. (Daily Mail)

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