
 Fall is on the way..cold and flu are right behind but when it comes to staying healthy, exercise and meditation are nothing to sneeze at.

 Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studied 149 people, 50 years and older and they discovered two great weapons against the common cold and other acute respiratory infections.

 What the research showed was regular meditation and exercise can actually reduce how many colds you get and limit how bad the illness becomes and how many days of work you might miss.   Meditate on that!

 After eight weeks of training, the participants were divided into three groups.  One meditated daily, one exercised regularly and one did not do either activity for the remainder of the winter season. Study results found that those in the exercise group reduced the number of colds by 29% and the meditation group by a whopping 33%, compared to those that did neither. Duration and severity of the cold were also cut dramatically. Where do we find out about such a medical break through?  In the National Enquirer of course!

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