working woman



 Women earn 75 percent of what men do at all levels of education.   The earnings of women of color compared to those of all men showed a greater gap than white women: Black women earned 71 percent, Latina women 62 percent in 2009. White and Asian women earned 82 and 95 percent as much as all men.  


 "In 2009, on the days that they worked, employed married women age 25-54 spent less time in labor market work and work- related activities than did employed married men in the same age group-7 hours and 40 minutes, compared to about 8 hours and 50 minutes.

  • However, these employed wives spent about 40 minutes more time than did their male counterparts doing household activities such as cooking, housework, and household management." There's that second shift.
  • There's been a slight reduction in the number of mothers working outside the home. "From 1975 to 2000, the labor force participation rate of mothers with children under age 18 rose from 47 percent to a peak of 73 percent. This rate receded to about 71 percent in 2004, where it has remained through 2009."

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