Deputy Steve stopped by The Morning News on KIT to talk about some ideas that you probably do each and every Christmas season that could make you a target for burglars and thieves.

Never keep anything of value in sight inside your car:
If you can, never keep anything of value inside your car at all. Would-be thieves like to hang around in parking lots waiting for you to leave you car so they can steal your items. One of the worst things you can do is go shopping, drop off your haul in your car, and go back inside the store or mall for more shopping. This makes you car an easy target for stolen items.

Never leave your empty boxes outside your house:
One of the worst things you can do is leave the empty box to your new flat screen TV, Xbox or big ticket item right outside your home waiting for trash pick-up. This lets burglars know that your house has these items inside and makes your house a target for a potential break-in.

The best thing you can do is take your cardboard boxes, break them down and recycle them.

If you have a tip along these lines, please place them in the comments below.

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