Josh Jackson is the executive director of Rod's House and he recently appeared on KIT's The Morning News to talk about a new initiative to help end homelessness for the region's youth.

Rod's House in Yakima is ground zero for the target population providing an oasis with the goal of "Empowering youth who are homeless to reach their full potential" and they are about to get some help.

According the their website  "A Way Home Washington is a statewide movement to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness. We will focus on the 13,000 - 15,000 unaccompanied young people in Washington State who are surviving homelessness on their own."

Yakima County is on board with the program with a commitment to "ending youth and young adult homelessness by 2022. The Homeless Network of Yakima County and A Way Home Washington will build a system that is data-informed, performance-based, equity-driven and holds young people and families at the center.

To learn how you can get involved, go to

And to find out more about how you can help provide Merry Christmas for Yakima's Homeless kids check the Rod's House site or facebook page.



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