I hope you are having a great Easter Sunday.  As we prep for the big egg hunt at the cousin's house I'm reminded of a funny incident close to twenty years ago when we hid a ton of hard boiled eggs all over the yard but when it was time to hunt the kids could only find a few.  Mystery solved when the dog came around the corner of the house with about five of them crammed in his mouth. Apparently he found and enjoyed a lot more than that!  Good times...and now on to today.I was more than a little skeptical when Gator, my 6 year old daughter, thought our family rescue dog Dewey needed a dog of his own.  She thought he was lonely during the day (which was why he chewed up her dolls) so while I was out of town she and her mother found Lucy.  Two months in and I have to say little Lucy has fit in just fine. She and Dewey are pals, she actually is the boss, and now everybody seems to be happy.  I do have to say that if it is determined that Lucy needs a dog of her own I may have to draw the line.  But so far, we are two for two on awesome hounds for our home.

Men's Health magazine has given plenty of thought to the canine crew and came up with this:

  • Jack is the most popular male name the average guy gives to his pup
  • Bella is the most popular female name the average guy gives to his pup
  • Labrador retriever is the average guy's favorite dog breed
  • German shepherd is the breed most likely to help a guy attract a date
  • 52 percent have told their dog a secret they have kept from everyone else
  • 88 percent of poochless guys want their own dog
  • 77 percent say their eventual life partner must be a dog lover
  • 65 percent of guys have found themselves on the receiving end of a canine 's bite
  • Sleeping all day is the aspect of a dog's life the average guy envies most
  • 10 percent is the number of slobs who never pick up after their mutt in public
  • 51 percent of men let their canine companion dine on table scraps
  • 44 percent is the segment of guys with dogs who say their pooch, not a braking personal trainer, whipped them into shape
  • 22 percent is the portion of men who spend $20 thousand or more to save their four-legged friend's life
  • 15 percent of guys have dolled up Fido in a sweater or other clothing
  • 75 percent of men say no to a pint size pup
  • 2 percent the number of dog lovers who also secretly like cats

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