Happiness is a state of mind the psychologists say but scientists now counter with a new study that shows happiness is more a function of genetics.

Nations whose inhabitants boast a certain gene variant were found to have much higher self-reported happiness levels.

Researchers found that happiness at the national level was more closely related to the genetic consideration than more obvious factors like wealth, country stability, or even disease prevalence –which in part explains why Nigerians rate themselves happier than Germans.

The study, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Happiness Studies, claims to be the first to show a link between genetics and happiness at the national level.
It concluded that feeling happy, relaxed and in a good mood doesn’t depend on the prosperity and safety of a country. In fact, the opposite seems to be true given that the highest murder and robbery rates in the world are in northern Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa and that is precisely where the happiest and most relaxed people are.
What makes the difference is a variant of a gene called "A allele" which is involved in regulating anandamide, a substance which enhances sensory pleasure and helps reduce pain.

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The regions of the world with a high occurrence of “A allele” report greater levels of happiness . Case in point is Mexico – with its poverty, corruption, cartels and the highest prevalence of A allele, Mexico had the highest happiness rating!

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