Looking ahead to this weekend and Father's Day --Congratulations Dad, the family line continues! Your life is fuller, better for the pitter patter of little feet that look just like yours! Now, according to LiveScience.com, here are Five ways fatherhood changes a man’s brain!

--Dad's brain looks more like mom's. Taking care of a child reshapes a dad's brain, causing it to show the same patterns of cognitive and emotional engagement that are seen in moms.

--Dads experience hormonal changes along with moms. Studies in animals and people show that new fathers experience an increase in the hormones estrogen, oxytocin, prolactin and glucocorticoids. Contact with the mother and children seem to induce the hormonal changes in dads. Dads who show more affection toward their kids tend to have higher levels of oxytocin.

--A puff of oxytocin boosts the dad-baby bond. The so-called cuddle hormone is also linked to an increase in dad’s childcare behavior. The more dad is exposed to oxytocin, the more dad engages with the kids.

--Fatherhood adds new neurons to dad's brain. Researchers say that these new neurons may develop in response to what scientists call “environmental richness” --the new dimension what a child brings into the life of a dad.

--Dads become more sensitive to their children's voices. On average, both moms and dads can detect their babies’ unique cries  90 percent of the time, with men doing just as well as the women.

So congrats Dad, we know all the sacrifice you make for your family—including the shape of your brain!  Happy Father's Day!

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Fairfax Media/Fairfax Media via Getty Images

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