I love the Daily Mail online. They are a gold mine of funky, funny weird, strange stories…like this ...

Has this ever happened to you? You are awakened by a crashing sound, you get up, grab the golf club by the door (it’s a five iron) and head out to investigate, only to investigate and find no source for the noise?You aren’t dreaming, you aren’t sleep walking, you aren’t starring in the movie “Inception.” But what you MAY have experienced is "exploding head syndrome."

Marinate on that a moment. Savor it … Exploding Head Syndrome! Psychologists estimate that between 10 and 20 percent of people have experienced the bizarre condition. Usually a sufferer hears some sort of a loud noise -- an explosion, fireworks, slammed doors, a gun firing, shouting, thunder, etc.-- just as they are falling asleep.

The noises usually last for only a few seconds, but some people also experience visual disturbances, such as seeing lightning or flashes.  Wow, that has never happened to me but I’m pretty sure I may have caused it in others…so wait, what really does cause it?

Doctors think it is caused by the brain having issues with "shutting down" as a person goes to sleep. It was thought the condition only occurred in people over the age of 50, but a new study reveals that about 20 percent of college students questioned have experienced it before. (Daily Mail


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