A plaque on the Statue of Liberty reads   “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.  It used to be a beacon and an invitation to others about the promise of life in America but in 2016 it’s Americans themselves who are tired, poorer and yearning to breathe free from a bloated and nonresponsive government, crushing debt, a biased media, and dimmer prospects for the family future.  Everyday Americans want here what Lady Liberty represents to the world.  They want America to be, well, great again.

They may not all be mainstream Republicans, in fact, they may not be political at all but they are fed up and looking for something else.  Why Hello, Mr. Trump.  Can Donald Trump “unify” the party?   Fair question.  Businessman, consultant, blogger buddy Tim Bryce says he may not have to.  In a recent column Tim writes, “Why the push for unity in our political parties? It is the American media trying to create political drama for the purpose of raising revenues. The truth is, we haven't been a united country since the 1930's and 40's where we battled the Great Depression and World War II. All other times it has been facade.”

Tim’s takes are always interesting and you can find his complete column at  timbryce.com.  We invite you to join the Morning News tomorrow at 6:45 am when Tim Bryce dials in from Florida to talk presidential politics on KIT.

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